

A fullstack social media application built using the MERN stack and Typescript. Front-end application is fully tested with Vitest and React Testing Library. Back-end application is tested with Supertest and mongodb-memory-server. AWS S3 is used to store images. Accessibility friendly. Please do not use Safari when accessing this app as Safari blocks cross-site cookies unless you want to disable the blocking of cross-site cookies.

Where's Waldo?

A game based on the British game, 'Where's Waldo', where you are on a quest to find Waldo and his friends! Drag your mouse around the image to find them! A game built with React.js and Firebase.


Creating an Express application using MongoDB, Mongoose and Pug. Learned how Express works with routing, middleware, and rendering. Using MongoDB for database and Mongoose to query data. Using Pug for templating. Using the MVC pattern to design the application. Application generated with the express-application-generator command.

Cooking Recipes Application

Fullstack web application built with SQLite, React.js and Node.js. Using Material React Table for tabular data. Using several component libraries such as Chakra, Material UI, Mantine, and Bulma for styling. Deployed API with a Digital Ocean droplet, configured with an NGINX reverse proxy, added an SSL certificate using Let's Encrypt, and served over HTTPS.

Reddit Clone

A clone based on Reddit. Users can create communities, create posts, comment on posts, and like posts. Users can also view their profile to see which posts they saved and upvoted. Built with React.js and Firebase and works well on mobile devices.


A game based on Battleship, a turn-based game. One of the more challenging projects. Built with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Using Jest for unit testing. Users can drag their ships onto the board and play with an AI. Users can also randomize their board selection.

Blog CMS

Creating a Blog CMS with React.js and several component libraries. Adding session-based authentication using Passport.js. Creating an CMS for my blog posts, categries, and tags. Fetching content from my blog API to manage my blog through a seperate website. You won't be able to access the CMS because it's only for my personal use.

IWANCIW Functional Funware

Built an ecommerce site for a fashion business. Technologies used are React.js, Next.js, TailwindCSS, GraphQL(Shopify Storefront API), Typescript, EmailJS, the Typeform Embedded SDK and the Omnisend API. Deployed with Netlify. Currently not open-source. Will be in the future.

Shopping Cart

Creating a multi-page application with react-router-dom, using Testing Library and Jest to test, and learning how to use context. Not functional when it comes to checkout.

Members Only

Creating an members only, which is an exclusive clubhouse-like application. Allows users to sign in, log in, make posts, and view posts. If the user is able to enter a special passcode, they will be members of the club! If the user is also able to enter another password, they will be admins of the application, allowing them to delete posts.

Tic Tac Toe

Practicing DOM Manipulating and learned about the minimax algorithm, which is an algorithm that allows for the computer to make optimal moves in turn-based games such as tic-tac-toe or chess.

React Trivia App

Fun trivia app made from Scrimba's React for Free course

CV Application

Created a curriculum vitae(CV)/resume builder. User can create, read, update, and delete content. User can upload images. This CV Application allows you to create and customize your CV, along with additional information about yourself


A project that allows users to draw on the board, re-size the board, change colors, etc.

Weather App

Learned about asynchronous programming with Javascript. Learned about the event loop, and single-threaded nature of Javascript. Learned about callbacks, promises, async and await, and fetched weather data from an API to render onto the page. Had lots of fun making this

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Creating a Minecraft style Rock, Paper, Scissors. You play against the CPU. First to five wins!

Java Breakout Game

Created a Java Breakout game using Java libaries JPanel, ActionListener, KeyListener, and AWT Font.

Java Snake Game

Created a beakout game using Java using JPanel, KeyListener, Action Listener, and Color libraries.